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Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  3KB  |  100 lines

  1. 2 ifn=0andpeek(53269)>0thenpoke53269,0
  2. 4 ifn=0thenal=peek(186)or8:diml(15):gosub400
  3. 6 ifn=0thenn=1:load"c100 c540",al,1
  4. 8 i=0:x=0:gosub600:sys49920:fori=6to15:ifl(i)=1thenopen1,i,15,"i":close1
  5. 9 next
  6. 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[155][147][156]freeware 1994 by marek roth. main menu:[155]"
  7. 12 fori=0to28:poke54272+i,0:next
  8. 20 dima$(2,25)
  9. 30 reada$(0,a):reada$(1,a):reada$(2,a):a=a+1:ifa$(0,a-1)<>"quit"then30
  10. 40 lp=peek(53245)-1:fori=0toa-1:print"[155]";:ifi=lpthenprint"";:l=i
  11. 45 ifpeek(53247)>0then70
  12. 48 ifrd=1andi<>lpandi<>lqthenprint:goto54
  13. 50 printspc(20-len(a$(0,i))/2);a$(0,i)
  14. 54 next:lq=lp
  15. 60 print"[158]programs with _ can you run from basic!
  16. 70 [158]49795:rd[178]1
  17. 80 [139][194](53247)[178]0[167][153]"":[137]40
  18. 100 [151] 53269,0:[158]49792:[139]a$(0,l)[178]"quit"[167][158]64738
  19. 104 i[178]5
  20. 106 i[178]i[170]1:[139]i[177]15[167]120
  21. 108 [139]l(i)[178]0[167]106
  22. 110 al[178]i:[159]1,i,7,""[170]a$(1,l)[170]"":[161]#1,z$:mt[178]st:[160]1:[139]mt[178]0[167]180
  23. 112 [137]106
  24. 120 [153]"loadplease insert "a$(2,l)
  25. 122 [153]"           in any drive!
  26. 130 open1,al,15,"m-r"+chr$(28)+chr$(0)+chr$(1):get#1,z$:close1
  27. 140 ifz$=""thengosub500:goto130
  28. 150 fori=0to2000:next
  29. 160 open1,al,15,"i":input#1,a:close1:ifa>0thengoto150
  30. 170 print"[147]":goto104
  31. 180 restore:sys49856
  32. 200 poke646,peek(53280)
  33. 210 print"[147]l[207]"chr$(34);a$(1,l);chr$(34)","al
  34. 220 print"r[213]
  35. 230 [151]198,2:[151]631,13:[151]632,13
  36. 240 [129]i[178]6[164]15:[139]l(i)[178]1[167][159]1,i,15,"i":[160]1
  37. 250 [130]:[128]
  38. 400 [151]53272,20:[153]"loadthis version 2.4 is freeware.
  39. 402 print"written 1994 by marek.
  40. 404 [139][194](752)[167]800
  41. 408 [153]"device-test.
  42. 410 fori=6to15:poke744+i,0
  43. 420 poke768,61:open1,i,15,"u:":poke768,139
  44. 430 ifst<0then470
  45. 440 ti$="000000"
  46. 444 print"unit"spc(3-len(str$(i)));i"[157]: ";
  47. 450 ifti<70then450
  48. 452 ifst>0then456
  49. 454 get#1,a$:printa$;:goto452
  50. 456 print#1,"u0>m1":print#1,"m-w"+chr$(15):print#1,"i":poke744+i,i
  51. 460 print#1,"m-w"chr$(106)+chr$(0)+chr$(1)+chr$(193):l(i)=1:nl=nl+1
  52. 462 open2,i,5,"#":print#1,"u1";5;0;35;0:input#1,x:close2:ifx<>27andx>0then530
  53. 464 ifx>0thenprint#1,"m-w"+chr$(40)
  54. 465 ifx=0thenprint#1,"m-w"+chr$(20)
  55. 466 print#1,"m-w"chr$(106)+chr$(0)+chr$(1)+chr$(200):l(i)=1:nl=nl+1
  56. 468 print"is triggered by"1+x/27"mhz.
  57. 470 [160]1:[130]:[142]
  58. 500 al[178]al[170]1:[139]al[177]15[167]al[178]3:[137]500
  59. 510 [139]l(al)[178]0[167]500
  60. 520 [142]
  61. 530 [153]"no or bad disk present in unit"i"cmd!
  62. 540 print"please clear error!
  63. 550 [152]1,"m-w"[170][199](255)
  64. 560 [152]1,"i":[132]1,x:[139]x[177]2[167]560
  65. 570 [137]450
  66. 600 [153]"vdc-ram test (80 column-ram in 128 mode)
  67. 610 poke54784,19
  68. 620 if peek(54784)<64thenprint"no vdc ram.":return
  69. 630 poke54784,28:poke54785,peek(54785)or(2^4)
  70. 640 poke51200,0:poke51201,0:poke51202,0:sys49692:ifpeek(51203)=0theni=1
  71. 650 poke51201,64:sys49714:ifpeek(51203)=0theni=2
  72. 660 poke51201,0:poke51202,255:sys49692:ifpeek(51203)=0thenx=1
  73. 670 poke51201,64:sys49714:ifpeek(51203)=0thenx=2
  74. 680 ifx=2thenpoke744,64:print"64k vdc ram.":return
  75. 690 ifi=2thenpoke744,16:print"16k vdc ram.":return
  76. 700 print"bad vdc ram.":return
  77. 800 print"devices already tested.
  78. 810 [129]i[178]6[164]15
  79. 820 [139][194](744[170]i)[167]l(i)[178]1:nl[178]nl[170]1
  80. 830 [130]:[142]
  81. 1000 [131]"load construction kit","de luxe kit v2*,s","construction kit v2.4"
  82. 1010 [131]"edit title where you select caves","titeleditor v2*,s"
  83. 1012 [131]"levelpacker v2.4"
  84. 1020 [131]"creat cavepacks","cavepacker v2*,s","levelpacker v2.4"
  85. 1030 [131]"write intro screen","introscreen*,s","levelpacker v2.4"
  86. 1040 [131]"make boulder dash game","lastpacker v2*,s","levelpacker v2.4"
  87. 1050 [131]"select language of construction kit","select l. v2.*,s"
  88. 1052 [131]"construction kit v2.4"
  89. 1070 [131]"restart kit with old level","old cave v2*,s","construction kit v2.4"
  90. 1080 [131]"pack files_","final comp*","editor v2.4"
  91. 1090 [131]"editor v2.4 anleitung_","anleitung*print#","editor v2.4
  92. 1100 data"editor v2.4 manual_","manual*[152]","editor v2.4
  93. 1110 [131]"wie sich boulder dash entwickelt hat_","geschich*print#","editor v2.4
  94. 1120 data"anleitung minenfeld_","anleitung minen*[152]","minenfeld
  95. 1130 [131]"minenfeld spielen_","minenfeld*","minenfeld
  96. 1140 data"welche titel gehen eine bestimmte zeit_","cd-t*[152]","cd-teiler"
  97. 1150 data"ascii/petascii texte convertieren_","pet *[152]","pet 2 ascii"
  98. 1160 data"de luxe bootblock fuer 64er prgs_","boot 4*[152]","boot 4 64 mode"
  99. 9990 data"quit"," "," "